All is Inside (single, digital download)

All is Inside is a song that is very dear to us, it invites us to look within ourselves for contentment, purpose and fulfilment. It is now available on all streaming platforms or you can download it here and support our music by purchasing this single. Thank you for listening to our music and for your support.


All is Inside is a song that is very dear to us, it invites us to look within ourselves for contentment, purpose and fulfilment. It is now available on all streaming platforms or you can download it here, and if you wish to, you can support our music by purchasing this single. Thank you for listening to our music and for your support.
In those precious moments,
realising that all is inside,
wide space opens,
and the illusion of separation vanishes.
May we never cease to explore our inner landscapes,
and live in harmony with ourselves and mother earth.